Getting Started

Log in With FloppySMS

Log In:

Go to FloppySMS:

  1. Fill up your email and password.

  2. Check “I’m not a robot” Box.

  3. Click on the Login Button.


Sign Up With FloppySMS

Sign Up:

1. Go to FloppySMS and click on the Sign-Up Button:

2. Fill up the following information:

  • Your Full name.
  • A Valid Email (Email Address)
  • A Strong Password, the password should be between 6 and 16 characters
    (Some tips for you to make your password strong, Password tips)
  • Check “I’m not a robot” Box (reCAPTCHA)


3. Then click on the Sign-up Button as you can see below:

    Click on the link to activate your account



Start with FloppySend Now!

Dashboard Introduction

FloppySend Dashboard

With Floppy Send, get easily connected with your audience on SMS channel, Landing page builder, Shorten URL, and many more.

Overall sent SMSes

A quick overview of how many SMS did you send with FloppySend generally.

Today Sent

If you wish to know how many SMS did you send in your day, here you can check it quickly.

Amount spent

How much did I spend sending SMS or using FloppySend services? here you can find your answer!

Overall funds

A quick overview of how much your account had funds.


To-Do overview

FloppySend will help you to know what you have to do and what did you have done to help you improve using our services and make it easy.

Easily highlighted the most important pages to Floppy Send services to quickly navigate the dashboard.

FloppySend Membership

Convenient plans that give you more features and discounts, here you can check your current plan and what you need to do to go to the next tier to get more features and services, check this article to know more about FloppySend plans and membership.



Start with FloppySend Now!